Our 2023 Dates!
Welcome to 2023! Hope you all had a beautiful holiday season.
For 2023, we've made a commitment to grow our offerings to initiated men. We're going to host at least one AK event every weekend every month! It'll be a Quest, or a training, or a few special programming events that we'll send details about later.
All Nature Quest and City Quest weekends are open to any willing man. Certain other events are open only to men who have already attended a Quest weekend.
Here are the dates for 2023. Mark your calendars!
Jan 22-23 -- AK Facilitation Training and Work Day (Event link here.)
Feb 10-12 -- City Quest (Event link here.)
Mar 10-12 -- City Quest (Event link here.)
April 21-23 -- Quest 2 (A new Quest for initiated men only. Details to come.)
May 18-21 -- Nature Quest
June 22-25 -- Nature Quest
July -- Credible Facilitators Cohort Training (Details to come.)
Aug 3-6 -- Nature Quest
Sept 8-10 -- Quest 3 (A new Quest for initiated men only. Details to come.)
Oct 12-15 -- Nature Quest
Nov 17-19 -- City Quest
We will do everything in our power to stick with these dates, though changes do happen.